Sunday, October 12, 2008

Confessions of a FTF-aholic

My name is Art...and I'm a FTF-aholic.

The day starts innocently enough, I'm at work or at home and the cell phone vibrates. Its a NEW TEXT MESSAGE from! A new cache has published within a few miles of home.

"Oh, no...not again", exclaims Karen. "Where to NOW??"

"Let me check... it is within four miles of the house."

I find the listing, note the information, hand enter it into the GPS, and off we go.

After a few minutes, we are at the location of the cache. Of course, while obeying all traffic laws.

We search, and there it is.... THE CACHE!

We open it, quickly unraveling the logbook. IT IS BLANK!! We are the first to find!!

With the sounds of the Alleluia Chorus playing in the background, we proudly enter our names on the logbook, followed by FTF!! I'm busy entering field notes on my phone for later recording on the website.

Why the effort you ask? Someone must be first. For a brief moment, I can excel in an athletic endevor caled geocaching. My name appears for the first five logs on the cache listing, the rolling off into geocaching history.

Prior to my discovery of geocaching, there has only been two other times where athletics were important in my life. In fifth grade, when I kicked a grand slam home run in kickball on the last 'at bat' to win the game.

The second time is when I had bowling as a physical education activity in College. It was there, I met my wife Karen.

A FTF may not be winning the Super Bowl, but it is pretty darn exciting!

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